Quick Post: The Descent

Yo! I recently watched The Descent and The Descent: Part 2, and I've never been so in love with a horrifying survival genre like this before. I'd really like to share this with you guys (who happened upon my blog) ehehehe..

So, here's the poster for the first movie:

This is such a terrific movie I've watched it three times already and never get bored even once. It's about a group of six women who went spelunking inside an unknown cave and got attacked by vicious creatures. Yeah, you pretty much know where the story is going just from the synopsis, but still you'd be surprised by this one.

And it's the first time I've seen a movie where it cast only women leads: and by women, I mean real women I can relate to. Not some women in men "skins" or whatever that goes about being badass just so male audiences will root for them. No. These female characters display all the emotions and realistic behavior a woman might show in the face of horror. I really like how athletic these characters are shown, and how in this movie they actually walked unknowingly into a disaster and have the intuitive to scramble out from it rather than sit at a corner and wailed uncontrollably before they get mutilated. But then, all those are old issue (we already got Ripley, remember?)

What I love the most about this movie is that it involved spelunking. The whole premise is heavy with the spelunking in a tight space cave setting, that makes this movie a whole lot more scarier rather than just have a monster "pee-ka-boo"ing and slaughtering everyone without reason (like Friday the 13th, or some of those cheap horror survival movies on Cinemax). I was feeling claustrophobic just from watching them moving all around those tight spaces and walking around in the dark. I cannot imagine myself walking in a dark cave just with a torchlight as my source of light (seriously, I'm blind during the night). That's what makes this movie so goddamn good and stressful. I keep imagining myself in their shoes, it's really believable.

And I like that the women are able to keep their sanity and be practical when they discovered about the monsters. It's hard to find female leads being on movies that are practical ya' know... Almost all the time they will cry and wail and lead the murderous beings to their position. Furthermore, these women can fight well, and I like how that represents their ability to stay sane for their survival and also how this reflect their athleticism. The movies went intense as it goes by, showing how some of these characters let fear gradually eat away their conscience. I mean, it's realistic and I love realistic characterization.

I've also watched the second movie which is a sequel: my verdict, not nearly as good as the first, but still pretty entertaining. But in terms of scary, I think the The Descent: Part 2 focused too much on the action rather than the fear and uniqueness the first movie presented. However, I would still recommend this movie to you if you like survival horror genre. I'm hoping to see more movies like these, with realistic portrayal of female characters that have their emotion swayed upon the conflict and not just make them one-dimensionally badass or one-dimensionally pathetic. Wanna make it badass, do it like Juno and Sarah (they're still grounded as human with emotions), wanna make it pathetic, do it like Sam and Becca (they're scared shit but they don't cry senseless).

So, what you're waiting for? Go find the dvd, or download it from torrent! Watch these movies, they're good fun :D

ps: It's actually pretty sad 'cause when I've brought my family to watch this, they're pretty much reacted like "female lead again?", "they're screaming too much it's goddamn annoying!", "it's no fun, there's no man! All women are annoying" (alright, not exactly, but close...)

I mean, like, seriously? What's wrong with people screaming when they're afraid? The movie portrayed how these six unsuspecting women will react if they suddenly descended into a hellish mess. I mean, would you be calm if you meet an unknown creature bent on tearing the flesh out of your neck? And what is wrong with female leads anyway? We've seen enough men in action movies. They never condemn an all-male cast movie (even my mom complained about the heroine in the Sector 7, she's like "a girl again....." *sigh*) Sad to realize that most of my family members can be really sexist...
