Song of the Week: Dead Hearts by Stars

I've just taken the liberty of making a personal meme to show the song and if possible provide the official/non-official video of the song that captured my heart for every week to come. I'm gonna start for this week and the song will be Dead Hearts by Stars.

When I heard the song played out on Like Crazy trailer, I immediately searched for it on youtube by typing out some of the lyrics I've caught. I love the music, the tone and the simplistic tune. I feel so at ease with this beautiful song. The official Dead Hearts video is stunning so I'm sharing it on here with you. For me, this song tells about a sort of passing, like the change in one's emotion or self. It is easy to forget about things when one grows bitter, but sometimes whirl of emotions and memories come back as we grow old and lonely. The song talks to me about just that, and it actually helps calm some nerves.
