Song of the Week: Never Let Me Go by Florence and the Machine

If ever, you have read some of my previous posts, you can guess for yourselves that my favorite singer and band would be Florence and the Machine. It was saddening to see that few of the people around here know very little of Florence since she is, for me, one of the most powerful singers in the world right now. Her high vocal, epic music and poetic lyrics are bound to make everyone quiver in amazement, and yet so little people know of her around where I live.

This song is called Never Let Me Go. Sounds romantic, right? But listen to the lyrics carefully now, and yes, one will see she is singing about something much more than just the generic meaning of romance. What is great about Florence's songs are that they let people interpret the songs without being confined to a single meaning. I read a fan's thought on the song and he or she thought that the song has this masochistic undertone on it, about giving in to a life so miserable. I almost agree with her/him, since I have almost the same idea.

I listened to the song and I felt that it is about accepting pain and hardships as part of life, about living an imperfect life where you make mistakes and you get hurt in the process, yet you give in to all of it and later on find peace. I can relate to this song at a very high level. Whenever I feel a burden weighing down on me, and I feel like this whole world is against me, I hardly console myself with motivational quotes or find comfort in expressing my pain and later on hold onto positive feelings ('cause to say to myself that I am going to be okay meant that I'm having a hard time to be okay). I have learnt that sometimes, accepting the burdens and embracing my pain can lead to a better conclusion.

My favorite line of the song is "I'm not giving up, I'm just giving in". The line, for me, shows that just because we accept the harshness of life that does not mean we are giving up on life, rather we are giving in to reality and live with it. I think it is a nice line, since giving up sounded like one is being weak and helpless about his or her problems- in other word, you don't want it but cannot throw it away and now you're miserable about it. Giving in means you know you have a shitty life, but you just shrugged and live with it as part of yourself and never once think of it as something bad.

Florence goes all goth here. The video has dark imagery, and amidst of all of it, a beautiful dancing scene between the two persons in the video. It is almost as if Florence has this happiness that is snatched away, and she willingly drowns in her sorrow.
